Business & Life Coaching
Certified Working Genius Facilitator
Maximizing The Working Genius For Your Church
Video Place Card WG and Churches

What Is The Working Genius?
The Table Group's 6 Types of Working Genius assessment can help your church:
Staffing projects
Volunteer recruitment and placement
Managing your team meetings, and
Optimizing your staff's enjoyment in their work.
Video Place Card How it Helps Teams

How Can The Working Genius Help Your Team
There are so many ways The 6 Types of Working Genius can be applied to your team. Here are just a few.
To optimize what your team can learn together about The Working Genius, schedule a workshop (Click Link Below).
A certified Working Genius Facilitator can help your team accelerate and apply learning quickly.
Video Place Card What To Expect from A Workshop
What You Can Expect From A Workshop
Team Workshops are one of the most powerful ways of unlocking the benefits of the Working Genius Model for an entire team.
Check out what to expect from a Workshop and then look below at how your church can roll out the Working Genius.

Step 1: Appoint An Internal Advocate
Step 2: Launch With The Leadership Team

Before You Begin: Buy-In & Goal Setting
Step 3: Implement With Second Level Teams
The Working Genius assessment is 20% personality and 80% productivity. People who understand
their genius show up to work in ministry happier, are more effective, and play well with others.
Working Genius Certified Facilitators are equipped to analyze and apply results to help
individuals, teams and churches leverage Working Genius to be more innovative, strategic, and
​The Six Types of Working Genius is fast and simple to apply. Churches that use Working Genius
with staff and volunteers get more done in less time, have lower turnover, and increase morale.
Working Genius has helped churches with:
Volunteer recruitment and retention
Innovation and change management
Hiring and staffing
Stronger team vulnerability and trust
Productive meetings
Like any organization, churches experience the most benefits from Working Genius when the pastor or
leader is bought in and vocalizes support for Working Genius. As a Working Genius Facilitator, I conduct a discovery call with the Lead Pastor, showing them the benefits of using this in the local church. Then we will move to have the Lead Pastor take the assessment and experience a Leader Debrief Session to deepen their understanding of how this assessment Biblically aligns with work in the church.
During the Debrief Session the Pastor should identify what they hope to achieve by using Working Genius.
Which of the examples above do you hope to gain by adopting Working Genius?
Identify one or more people who will advocate for Working Genius within the church. Your internal
advocate(s) will help create awareness, momentum, and support. Your advocate can utilize the additional
resources provided through your Certified Working Genius Facilitator.
The adoption and ongoing use of Working Genius at the Leadership Team level is critical for rollout within
the church. First, send the Working Genius assessment to every leadership team member and schedule a
team session with your Certified Working Genius Facilitator.
The session's goal is for the leadership team to understand the Working Genius model and its impact on their team and the local church. Plan to spend time at the end of the session to explore how your church can use
Working Genius language and concepts in engaging your gifts in executing projects more effectively as a team, leading volunteers, conducting more effective meetings, and getting work done more quickly.
Next, schedule team sessions with each team represented at the Leadership Team level. Like at
the Leadership Team level, have your internal advocate or your Working Genius Facilitator send
the assessment to volunteer leaders and encourage the participants to review their results.
Individual team sessions, led by your advocate or a Certified Facilitator.
A Teaminar, where you invite multiple teams in the same room to hear about the model
and then discuss their results and Team Map with their respective team.
You will see the impact of Working Genius when your advocate(s) continue to share resources
and encourage the language within the church.
Typical Working Genius Engagement 1/2 Day 4-Hour Agenda
Topics Time
Welcome and Introductions 10 Minutes
The Six Types of Working Genius Overview 15 Minutes
Guilt & Judgement 5 Minutes
Three Stages of Work 5 Minutes
Responsive VS Disruptive Geniuses 5 Minutes
The Altitude of Geniuses 5 Minutes
Review of Individual Reports / Confirm Results 45 Minutes
BREAK 10 Minutes
Team Map 80 Minutes
Team Map Analysis / Gap Analysis
Parings / Crave & Crushed By
Analysis of Past Project or New Project (WIDGET)
BREAK 10 Minutes
The Genius of Meetings 40 Minutes
Top 3 Take Aways 10 Minutes
Post Workshop Leadership Review 1 Hour
Working Genius Workshop For Churches