As winter is now embracing us its a time for personal reflection, perhaps sitting by a fire drinking your favorite hot drink. Mine is a great cup of coffee or a cup of tea. Winter can be a thing of beauty, I love experiencing the changing of the seasons. Living in the midwest we can experience the splendor of snow in the Ozark's. Some of my fondest memories are attached to the Ozark's as I met my wife while attending College of the Ozark's.

Winter as a time of reflection leads us to the seasons of change. Life carries personal seasons. Perhaps you feel like you are in the season of winter. You may have experienced a job loss and you are doing soul searching trying to decide how to move forward. What new skills will you need to learn to gain employment. Winter can also just be a time of adversity in our personal or professional lives. Determining next steps is crucial in this season of life.
Having someone who can listen intently, challenge us with timely questions, and explore brave new worlds can re-energize us. In life we need men and women who believe in us, challenge us, and hold us accountable to the process. As I have faced winter seasons having a Coach to process this along with godly men I could confide in were key to my establishing meaningful goals. Life can change quickly. How we respond to change speaks of who we are on the inside. We could choose to stay in bed and try to hide from reality. We could choose to act as if noting were going on at all. What all of us need in seasons of change is a Coach, a Mentor, a Spiritual advisor.
My challenge to you in your winter season, seek out a Coach, a Mentor, and a Spiritual advisor. We need all three. A coach will help us think through changes we need to make and hold us accountable. A Mentor will speak into our lives giving us sage advice as someone who has been there. A Spiritual advisor, such as a pastor in my case; helps to ground me in who I am in Christ. At the very core knowing who I am helps me keep from slipping into depression.
May your winter season's be short. This I know, either you have come out of winter, your on your way to winter or you are in your winter season. What you choose to do here will impact your destiny that you were created to accomplish in this life.